Women At The Helm 2011

In the Arts, Activism, Government and Human Rights, These Out Nonprofit Leaders Create Positive Change Every Day.

Faith Cheltenham: President, BiNet USA Human beings “are as diverse as every hue and shimmer in a rainbow,” according to Faith Cheltenham, and relationships don’t define our sexual orientations. She should know: Cheltenham is the outspoken President of BiNet USA, the national organization for bisexual advocacy, outreach and networking efforts on behalf of the bisexual, pansexual and fluid communities in America. BiNet USA connects individuals with more than 75 grassroots organizations that provide support, social activities and advocacy opportunities. In addition to her leadership role with the organization, Cheltenham holds a full-time position as a Senior Account Executive in the private sector. Cheltenham got her start in LGBT activism in the late 1990s, and has been a frequent speaker at outlets such as Yale University, UCLA’s Queer Black Youth Conference, San Diego Comic Con and the LOGO television network. “The most rewarding part of being a bi activist is standing up and finding you are surrounded by a multitude of folks who share your experiences. Just like you, they were told they didn’t exist, and just like you they persist,” Cheltenham says. What inspires her? “I am blessed to have developed a positive, embracing and unified identity as a black bisexual woman. My inspiration is the belief that all bisexual people deserve the same, since we were all made this way.”

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