Street Talkers ’08 Election Edition

For this installment of Street Talkers, GO stepped off the street and into New York’s swanky Sunday brunch party, Stiletto, to ask their savvy patrons: Who are you voting for and why?

Name: Nickolette

Age: 22

Residence: West Village

Occupation: Graphic designer

Last Book Read: Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi

Your Vote: Definitely Obama. Why? The last eight years politically have been abysmal. The war, obviously, is a major issue of contention; Bush is hugely anti-woman, anti-civil rights, anti-civil liberties, and that’s reason enough
to vote against another four years of the
same policies.

Important Issues: Women’s rights and reproductive liberty. Thirty years ago, Roe v. Wade was really a revolutionary act in the United States, and it’s pretty pathetic that now we are the only country in Western civilization that’s trying to take those rights back.

Does being queer affect your decision? I wouldn’t say that, but overall my political state of mind is in huge opposition to everything that the GOP stands for.

What Do You Think?