Street Talkers: Election ’08

Thirteen months from now YOU will choose a new president. So, if you know more about YouTube’s Obama Girl than you do about Barack’s policies, if you’re hot for Hillary yet don’t know her take on gay marriage, if you’re McLovin’ McCain or a Kucinich chick just ’cause you think he’s “nice,” you better start doing your research. Recently, we asked 10 of our NYC-based readers this question: If the election wree held tomorrow, who would get your vote?

Name: Betsy
Age: 22
Residence: West Village
Occupation: Photographer

Your Vote: Hillary. Hands down. As a woman, feminist, and lesbian I strongly believe in supporting positive female icons in society; especially someone like Hillary who has as much potential to change the way America works both inside and out.

Do gay issues affect your choice? Yes and no. Yes, because I believe in the values of equality and prosperity for all, but I also understand that every other aspect of politics has to work together. I would love to see gay marriage legalized throughout the United States, but I know that other changes like education policies, foreign struggles, and the environment still hold precedence within Congress and the rest of the country.

What Do You Think?