Andrea & Heather
Boulder, CO
Andrea Gibson, 35, Spoken Word Artist
Heather Mann, 31, Web Designer
Andrea and Heather had seen each other around Boulder, occasionally stopping to chat. One day, Heather complimented Andrea on her scarf. “When I told her I crocheted it myself she asked me to crochet her a scarf of her own, not thinking I would. I left town for a month and I crocheted Heather’s scarf and gave it to her the next time I saw her in Boulder,” Andrea says. “A week later, we were on our first date—at the batting cages. I think I missed almost every ball I swung at. Heather did not.” With this auspicious start, the creative couple enjoys making up dance routines, freestyle battle rhyming and writing love songs with their ukuleles. The two say they keep their relationship “fantastically romantic” by writing each other love letters, painting each other paintings, skinny dipping and going to drive-in movies—but they never watch the movie.